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Coach's Corner

need some soccer practice drills?

age group you coach: TYPE OF DRILL(S):

Defending Drill #2 - Defensive

Defending Drills 1 - Defensive

Here are some drills to help players develop individual defending skills, team defense, and work on the essential component of communicating.

Four Corner Square Passing Drill - Passing

Pass & Shoot - Passing

In the Pass and Shoot soccer drill the striker plays the ball into the server who lays the ball off with a soft touch (inside of foot) for the striker to run on to and shoot.

Passing & Dribbling Drills for Kids - Offensive

Passing & Dribbling Drills for Kids

Passing Drill - Passing

Everybody likes to see awesome dribbling skills, beautiful long range shots, and amazing headers - but good soccer players know that in order to make all this happen, you need to know how to pass the ball. The game is all about moving the ball around

Passing Drill - Call to Receive - Passing

The Call to Receive football drill. In this soccer drill half the players start with a ball, all players to jog around marked area, players without a ball can call for a pass to take possession.

Passing Drill for Kids - Passing

Passing drill for kids of all ages

Shooting & Running at Angles - Striking

In this football drill the player hits a ball to a wide player and then runs through the slalom poles runs towards the goal.

Shooting Drills - Striking

The correct procedure means everything when it comes to shooting the ball. Here are some drills to improve shooting accuracy.

Short and Long Pass - Passing

Soccer Drills - Top 5 Soccer Training Drills To Improve Fast - Offensive

Top 5 Soccer Training Drills To Improve Your Play

Soccer Drills for Kids - The First Touch - Offensive

The Five Shot Drill - Striking

The correct procedure means everything when it comes to shooting the ball. Here are some drills to improve shooting accuracy.

Turn & Shoot - Striking

In this Soccer Drill the forward has to stay in the box. The forward must call for a pass, control the ball, turn and shoot.